Sunday, September 12, 2010

Potential Guests on Sloan TV

Contribute your ideas as Comments:

Jackie Wilbur - about MBA hiring outlook
Michael Grinich - Organizer of MIT Start-up Bootcamp, about how undergrads see MBAs
Erdin Beshimov - About starting a club and what it means for your MBA experience


  1. Grinich would be very timely. Can you invite him today?

  2. Tom, here are some of my thoughts from our conversation earlier today:

    1) Move the show time from 4:30 on Wed to lunch time. 1st year's Finance/E&I track seminars takes place from 4-7pm every Wednesday.

    2) Change the time to 10am since most students go to Tang lobby to get free coffee after finishing their first class or before going to their class at 10:20.

    3) Since students don't have much to do while having lunch, maybe we can move the live show to E62 cafeteria to get more audience.

    4) Send out surveys/polls to understand our audience's interests and expectations.

    Please let me know what you guys think :)

  3. These are great comments! We agree!

    We are considering 12:15 pm on Thursdays. Can you make that time?

  4. Someone from a consulting firm.
    Banking recruiter.
    MBA Idols: Tim Ferris, Warren Buffet
    The dean.
    MBA Admissions (Rod)
    Private Admissions Consultant
    Loan Officer
