Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ideas and Script for Episode 5

(1) Introduction

(2) Headlines:

WSJ Executive MBA Rankings: WSJ announces Best Executive MBA Programs
Wharton's Number 1, Wharton's Number 1.
1. Wharton $150k
2. Olin $99k
3. Thunderbird $90k
4. USC $100k
5. Northwestern $153k
-Based on perception and surveys primarily
If you're also on the top 10 MBA's list, the premium for your exec MBA is $50k

I only have one regret about B-school.  Penniless, wallet-draining sensation from a truly great MBA program.

Wharton: Every other weekend.
$150k dr. evil

Miro: Exec MBA is worthless
Tom: Not worthless if you have a clear objective (i.e. find a start-up partner).
Miro: Exec MBAs are good for full-time MBAs, because they're more likely to hire MBAs later.
Tom: We're flooding the market with lesser-educated people.

Bag of chips, technique. - Same label, less product.

(3) Business Porn
Banker fired from a UK investment bank for an interesting search term in Bloomberg.  "Where is a good strip club?" "Where is the nearest place to canary wharf to buy porn?"
Training session on how to use Bloomberg help.  Bloomberg turned him into the bank.  He was actually interacting with a live service person.
Source: The London Evening Standard
Where is the ABSOLUTE CLOSEST PLACE to where I am right now.
LITERALLY business porn - How can we get MORE porn at our business.

(4) Food, Glorious Food!

1. Know the head count
2. Ask for a Quote - not an order
3. Negotiate around price per head, not total price
4. If you have a budget, tell them your budget
5. Do price research before hand (get a price and headcount from another event)
6. Pizza is the cheapest, but people will bitch

(5) Jargon: WYSIWYG
Miro--What You See is What You Get

(6) What's on your Radar

Miro: Yet another wedding.
Tom: A shower

Future week:
Woman sues City Group citing list of sexist things that were said to her.
MBA Blog: Researching luxury yachts.


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